コンサート期間及び終了後に、アジクロにお寄せいただいた「リーホンへの感想&メッセージ」の中から、コンサートへの感想をいくつかご紹介します。来年の2nd ツアーを楽しみにしつつ、もう一度、1st ツアーの思い出に浸ってくださいね。
It's has been only two weeks since I knew you. As soon as I heard your new Japanese songs, I became your great fan. During the past 2 weeks, I heard your albums again and again even I'm sleeping. Because I want to enjoy your stage. The concert held on July 16 in Tokyo was very very wonderful. It's like.. I was in a sweet dreams during the performance. And I was able to enjoy various kinds of music. You must be a genius!! Thank you very much for your wonderful concert.
- Kumiko Kawakami
Brilliant!! You are real artist! I joined in 17th July 18:00. The songs you sang were all fantastically and perfectly aranged. I was really really happy to listen your songs in Japanese, English and Chinese and I can also understand in any language, so I enjoyed your songs all.
And the song of New Cinema paradice you played made me moved, because I really like that music and movie -I have sound truck album-.
Thank you for giving us a great night!
- meinaizi
I went to your concerts at Tokyo 3 times. All were wonderful!! Your voice and performance fascinated me very much! Your band also were nice! Nice collaboration! YOUR MUSIC is supreme for me.
- lynx
I went to see on the first day of the concert of Tokyo. Since the hall was small, your expression looked good. "Julia" was very pleasant. We were also very glad to see you enjoying ourselves.
- ちんどい
The place is not very large, so I was satisfied sounds and songs. Because I could see at close range. It was amazing that your all songs were sung as performed instruments. I was impressed and near to tears by NEW CINEMA PARADISE you played the violin. -I like the movie and Morricone very much.- And then next JURIA I was excited. All the time my heart beats quickly. I had a happy time. It was my special day! ありがとうございました。
- Ichily
It was super! All the songs were great. I had a wonderful time there.
- Hiroko Okunishi
The hall was narrow, distance to you was very near, and I was very excited. How was the Japanese fan?
- saori
Dear Leehom,
I had really really really wonderful time at your concert!! I went to your concert twice in Tokyo!!I had an electric fan with Pooh Bear on it. Did you see it?? I was soooo happy to hear your voice, violin, erhu, guitar,and piano : ) It was my first time to hear you actually playing the violin and erhu. You were like an elegant prince playing the violin in the blue spotlight!!I really liked your English version of "Hear My Voice"and "両個人不等於我men." The lyric was sooo touching!!!
"I thought we knew that time would be unkind. I thought we knew we'd have to change our minds." "両個人不等於我men" is a sad song but the rylic is so beautiful that I memorized the whole phrase! I remember you blinking and twinkling your eyes when you came to the part where it goes "with a blink of an eye..." That was sooo cute!!I can't wait to hear this song in your new album coming up this autumn!!
I'm having my entrance exam for the university next February. I heard you are having the second tour in Japan next May. I will study hard as I can with a hope to going to your concert in May!!
- ぷぅ
7月17日の夜と18日のライブ行って来ました。初めてみたリーホンさんのライブは想像してた以上にすっごく楽しかったです。しっとり聴かせてくれる曲もあれば、一緒にノレル曲もあるし、キーボード、ヴァイオリンだけでなく、二胡も披露してくれました。"can't stop Loving" でノリノリで立ち上がりつつ、ピアノ弾いてるリーホンさんが特にかっこよかったです。ありがとうございました。絶対また行きます。
- kumiko kuramochi
コンサート中で一番印象に残ったのは、力宏のお茶目の姿でした。二胡を弾く前に、自分で「加油」と言った力宏に、演奏が終わってから中国語で「イ尓拉的真棒 謝謝」と話かけたら、恥ずかしそうに「謝謝」。多分自分の出来具合に納得できなかったのかなと思っていたのではないかと思います。
- Grace
リーホンのアコースティックライブは、珍しいのではないでしょうか? 音楽に言語は関係ないことを教えてくれた、本当に素晴らしいコンサートでした! リーホンの才能は本物ですね。個人的にはもっとヴァイオリンを弾くリーホンが見たかったです。
- フイリー
▼特集ページへ ▼リーホンからのお礼
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●back numbers
Wang Leehom
First Japan Tour 2004
Hear My Voice
7/16-18:東京 原宿クエストホール
7/19:名古屋 テレピアホール
7/21:大阪 なんばHatch
Last Night(英語)
Dream Again(日本語)
在毎一秒裡都想見到[女尓] (北京語)
Hear My Voice(英語)
As long as I have you(英語)